DuPage Acupuncture Clinic 710 E. Ogden Avenue Get Our Free Newsletter |
FAQ About Acupuncture
1. How does acupuncture work?Our body is a network of energy channels or “meridians” in which the energy flows. When the energy flow is enhanced by inserting very small, fine needles it can help to relieve pain, support the immune systems and relax our body to cope with stress. 2. Does acupuncture hurt?We use very fine, sterilized and disposal needles that are about the width of a hair. Sometimes we do feel the needle when it is inserted. Usually after a few seconds you can’t tell the needle is there. 3. What should I expect on my first visit?There will be some paper work for the initial visit and we will sit down with you to go over your health history. We also may ask you questions related to your body functions including your digestion, bowel habits, urination, sleep, appetite, and your subjective temperature. We will look at your tongue, feel your pulses. Chinese medicine considers all this information in order to do a differential diagnosis and come up with a treatment strategy. 4. How can I prepare myself for acupuncture treatments?You should not skip meals especially before treatments. Also, you may want to use the washroom before the treatment in order to relax completely. 5. How long does the treatment take?Most appointments take about 45–50 minutes. About 30 minutes of that is the time you will be undergoing treatment. 6. How many treatments are required before I see the result?As you may expect, the longer you had the problem, the longer it takes to treat. If you had the illness for a year it may take a month of treatments to see results. We always work very hard to see the positive outcome as soon as possible. If you are in severe discomfort we may see you twice a week, otherwise once a week treatments are recommended. 7. Does insurance cover acupuncture treatments?The best way to find out is by calling your insurance company since each insurance company has different coverage. We will provide you with the invoice after treatment. It will include all of the information you need in order to submit for reimbursement. Many Flex Spending Accounts support the use of alternative medicine provided by licensed acupuncturist. Our practice is in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. 8. Do you use any herbal supplements?We believe the herbs are an important part of Chinese medicine. It adds a benefit to our health in many ways. We may recommend certain types of formulas based on your body pattern and diagnosis.
For more information or to schedule your appointment, please call DuPage Acupuncture Clinic at 331-226-4559. |
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